R.E Year 9 2011 in Reflection

Posted: December 8, 2011 in Uncategorized

This will be my last post. This year in religion we studied topics including the beatitudes, reconciliation and Mary.


This year was particularly interesting mainly because of the topics we studied but also because of the way in which we studied them. This year we heavily used technology such as our laptops to complete our studies.


My favourite topic was the beatitudes but I found reconciliation to be the least interesting.



Australian Catholic Church Today

Posted: November 27, 2011 in Uncategorized

I think the catholic church in Australia has not really moved on with the world. An example of this is the fact that priests still cannot marry, which is one reason why most priests in the catholic church in Australia are older men. If the church wants to continue to grow in Australia it has to become more ‘modern’ so as to influence the youth of Australia to get more involved in the church and even become part of the catholic orders.

To be Catholic in Sydney

Posted: October 16, 2011 in Uncategorized

In Sydney today, there are many things which make being catholic a unique thing. Attending a catholic school teaches me many catholic values which help me with everyday life and the way I live life. Being catholic helps me to make decisions in life and all of these decisions are influenced by the values I am taught by the catholic church.

As there are many values taught by the catholic church, it makes me understand that there are people who are suffering lots and have to live on the streets, and by using the values taught by the catholic church, I can understand that those people need help and that helps me to help those people through donations and possibly volunteer work in the future. Matt Talbot is an example of people helping those who are worse off than themselves by giving them a place to sleep and by providing food and general necessities.

Attending a catholic school means that I get to learn about the catholic faith, the history of the church in Australia and about the different values taught by the church.

Good v Evil Video Narrative

Posted: August 18, 2011 in Uncategorized

This is the video I made which represents Good v Evil in our world.

Nike Banned Commercial

Posted: July 29, 2011 in Uncategorized

A  video made by Nike that uses sports to represent a Good v Evil theme.

Bad in the World

Posted: July 21, 2011 in Uncategorized

The Rwanda Genocide was one of worst genocides to occur in the 20th century. Taking place in 1994, hundreds of thousands of Tutsis (a Rwandan ethnic class) were killed in the small African country of Rwanda.

Good in our World

Posted: July 19, 2011 in Uncategorized

This video shows a uni student using some of his money to purchase things needed by poor children in Rural Bangladesh.

Apocalyptic Writing

Posted: June 3, 2011 in Uncategorized

There are many examples of apocalyptic writing in the book of revelations. Some examples are 1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 1:7.

Apocalyptic writing is written in symbolism, imagery and poetry, to express messages about the end of the world.

Apoaclyptic writing is used by extremists, so they can blame other religious groups for disasters in the world.

These writings and stories are used to encourage people that are suffering and live miserable lives that a new and better world will come one day.

Although there are some extremist groups who believe that one day, an apocalypse will end the world, there is very little proof and not many people believe that the world will end this way.

The most believed story of the end of the world was professed by the Mayan people. They said that on December 21, 2012, the world would end. Once again, there is no proof that this will actually happen.

What an apocalypse could possibly look like.